Saturday, September 13, 2014

{is favoritism inevitable?}

i've been at the orphanage 3 days now and am afraid i might already be developing favorites. i know i shouldn't, but it just happens. maybe because of my medical background or maybe it is the spirit leading me... but for whatever reason it seems i end up falling for the most fragile of the bunch. 

while i hope to introduce you to several who reside at this orphanage while i'm here, i'll start by asking for prayer for these two...

this is a little boy who recently turned 7 months and is failing to thrive (weighs less than 8 pounds). although he still has a fever, i saw some more activity from him today as compared to when i first arrived... a smile, weak crying around mealtime, attempts to play with a ball, etc. pray for wisdom in knowing what it is that this precious life needs to start thriving and how to accomplish that here.

the second is a 9 month old little girl who is in some degree of liver failure (unsure if you can appreciate her extreme jaundice). she is a beautiful little peanut who loves getting on her hands and knees and has figured out how to scoot backwards. she is often wide-eyed and serious, but i'm determined to get her smiling very soon. pray for medical expertise and treatment options for this little girl.  

these situations can be overwhelming because i want to save them all!  frustration can ensue when i allow myself to focus on the lack of medical resources they have access to here. i have no choice but to entrust them to god, as he is the giver and sustainer of all of our lives (and has clearly been sustaining these two long before i arrived). may his will be done in these children's lives, and if i can help to advocate or network or provide some earthly/human thing they need, may i be used by him to do so.  


Rebecca Maas said...

I am ready to bring that sweet little boy home with Joshua! Praying for you daily!

Unknown said...

Favoritism is inevitable-ask any teach, nurse, any one who works with anything! But we still do our professional job! God bless your work. I 'm always reminded of one of our hymns..
"Hark, the voice of Jesus calling,
“Who will go and work today?
Fields are ripe and harvests waiting,
Who will bear the sheaves away?”
Long and loud the Master calls us,
Rich reward He offers free;
Who will answer, gladly saying,
“Here am I, send me, send me”?

If you cannot cross the ocean,
And the distant lands explore,
You can find the lost around you,
You can help them at your door;
If you cannot give your thousands,
You can give the widow’s mite;
What you truly give for Jesus,
Will be precious in His sight.

If you cannot speak like angels,
If you cannot preach like Paul,
You can tell the love of Jesus,
You can say He died for all.
If you cannot rouse the wicked,
With the judgment’s dread alarms,
You can lead the little children
To the Savior’s waiting arms."

I spared you a few verses ? Be safe!!!

Unknown said...

...and you went!!!

Unknown said...

April I think what you doing is incredible. All you can do is give them your love and provide them with your expertise as a PT. Take care!