Friday, September 12, 2014

{what would you do for love}

a baby girl arrived at the orphanage this afternoon. i had wondered if i'd be around when someone new came, but didn't expect it on day 2 of my being here. in disbelief, i asked the nanny several times who she was (thinking/hoping i had missed meeting her before).   

i was told that her family was likely from the village and too poor to obtain medical treatment for her crossed eyes. so for them, love is giving her up in the hopes of treatment and a better life than they could offer.  

i'm still trying to wrap my head around this as it seems extremely unfortunate on so many levels, and possibly even preventable. like i wish i could help get her treatment and give her back to her parents. is that crazy thinking? or is she meant to be adopted; is she the answer to some family's prayers who have been longing for a child? 

for me, no matter how much involvement i have with orphans and adoption, i think there will always be this tension; it is simply evidence of the broken world we live in. join me in pleading for god's will to be done in this baby girl's life tonight, his good, pleasing and perfect will.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

April, Wow, I was very teary eyed reading this. Praying that God's plan for this precious girl will be revealed. Also praying that with your influence, a file can be accomplished soon for this precious girl and a family will soon be united with their daughter. I too, have a difficult time understanding why these children are given up ... It is difficult to grasp and understand. Thank you for being a light to these children and also to the nannies there. I believe you are going to make such a huge impact and change many lives for the better. So thankful that you've made the sacrifice of time, money, and comfort to be with these children. May God continue to bless you and those you come into contact with at Beiliu.